Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Warm Up:
500m Row
Pillar Complex/Mobilty Work
Box Hops:
Quick Jumps x6 @20'
Quick Jumps x6 @24' (w/ 32' on the last Box)

Then: Deloading Work

Sled Pulls:
Standard Drags
50 - 60 yrds w/ 2 Plates x 6 trips

Goodmorning Pulls
50 yrds w/ 1 Plate x 6 trips

2x Back Extensions w/ Purple Bands
20 Toes 2 Bar
20 Knee's 2 Elbows
20 Wiper's

1 comment:

  1. Today was suppose to be a semi-recovery day. Heavy Sled Dragging is used to deload the Posterior Chain after a intensive squat workout wich I endured the day before. Had tryed this previously and it destroyed me for a few days, this time around I actually got it right. Felt like shit during the workout, as you should, but once I had finished and started to cool down I could feel the junk in my legs loosing up. As they say in OH " Westside is the Best Side"
