Wednesday, April 7, 2010

CFDaytona WOD

EMOM for 10min:
225# OVH squat 1
225# power clean 1
HSPU max reps

1 comment:

  1. 33 HSPU
    3 Failed OVHS
    1 Failed Clean

    This WOD was exactlly what I had been looking for! I had an itch to do something that would pretty much tear me down and defeat my abilities and I got scratched. RH an I both had been wanting to figuire out a way to make EMOM training actually challenging so we created this little gem. I was the first on deck to give this "thing " a run. RD 1 went fairly smooth as I had anticipated, hiting 10 HSPU before the first 1min was up. Now having done this I quickly realized that I dug my self an early grave. RD 2 was pure DEFEAT! At this point I was unsure what I had actually got myself into until RD 3 came about and I was able to find success again. Pressing onward into the abyss of failure I tryed to work a little smarter hitting 5's and 3's for HSPU. The OVHS in this WOD was very challenging and allowed for 0 error. As for the 225# Clean...well it was added out of necessity, but became a thorn in my ass!
    One word describes this WOD..."Challenging"
