Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday WOD

Warm Up:
Wall Balls 10
Alt Lunges 20m
Shuffle 20m
Reverse Lunges 20m

Strength Work
Front Squat
3,3,3,3 (265),3(305 failed)

Cleans @135#
Ring Dips

*added a Muscle Up to start each set of dips*
(Looks like...1 MU-21 Dips...1 MU-15 Dips...1 MU-9 Dips)

1 comment:

  1. 5:30

    First Time trying this Named WOD. Decided to "One Up" this couplet with a weakness of mine. Added in the single Muscle Up to be able to work on transitioning from the bar to an advanced body wght movement quickly. Failed at round 15 on my first attempted MU...rushed the false grip set up and didn't set my grip properly. Still needs much work to be competitive...
