Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday WOD


C2 Row: 5x1000m (90 sec rest)
Hold fast pace possible
without deviating no more than 5 sec.


"Death by Clean&Jerk"
EMOM for 15min:
135# C&J
*Reps increase each minute*

1 comment:

  1. CFE - today was the start of what I hope to continue if my body holds up to it. I need some serious work on my rowing so I have decided to try and do early morning rowing Tues, Thursday, Saturday? gonna play it by ear and see how my body responds...

    "Death by C&J" x2
    After a solid warm up I attempted this ass kicker with hopes of it turning out well...In my mind I was sure that I was gonna at least make it to 11 before the clock got me...I was quickly proven wrong. 1x through lost focus and broke down at 8reps. Being unsatisfied with that I rested 12minutes and gave it another shot. This time just bettering myself with 9reps. Really liked this one...lot more challenging than it looks.
    See ya soon 135#
