Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday WOD 10/27/10

AM: "DE Effort Upper"
Warm Up:
500m Row
strict PU 5
Str. Leg SU 10
PVC Press 15

2x5 @65
2x3 @85
8x3 @100# (50% of 1RM + Grey mini band)
*45sec Rest btwn attempts*

Special EX:
LawnMower Rows 3x8 ea. arm
Strict Pull Ups (wide grip) 3xFailure

Toes2Bar 2x15
Kness2Elbows 2x15
Ball Slams (20#) 100

PM: Met-Con
-CFHQ 101015-
Three rounds for time of:
135 pound Hang power cleans, 15 reps
15 Burpees

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday WOD 10/26/10


Monday WOD 10/25/10

*Start of Westside Barbell 3 week wave*

AM: "DE Day"
Wide Stance Box Squat (16' box)
135# x3
155# x2
160# x2
8x2 @180# (50% of 1RM) + Blue Band

Deadlift (Conventional)
8x1 @240 (50% of 1RM) No Band
*Rest 55sec btwn sets*

Special EX:
OVH KB Step Ups 3x8 each leg (35#)
Manual Glute Hams 3x8

PM: "Met-Con"
15min AMRAP:
400m Run
9 Burpee's
21 Back Squats 135#

Sunday WOD

Warm Up:
400m Run
PVC Passthroughs
PVC OVH Squats

For Time:
225 pound Deadlift
135 pound Overhead squat

Saturday WOD

Warm Up:
5 min Row
PVC work x3

Front Squat
5,5,5 (245#)

for time:
1000m row
Front Squat 135#
Box Jump 24"

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday WOD

Rest Day
Chiro Treatment (Myofascial release and PNf stretching for my legs)

Thursday WOD

"Active Recovery"

Warm Up:
2min Double Unders Test (Max Reps) = 140

Battle Rope Work
1min on...1min off

Rythme Rope
Power Slams
Lateral Slams

BB Complex @45#, 115#, 135#
6 Deadlifts
6 Bentover Rows
6 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Press
6 Hang Power Snatchs
400m Run

-Post Training Stretch-

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wensday WOD

warm up:

500m row
400m run
samson stretch
10 passthrough
10 goodmorning


"Rowing Murph"
complete for time:
wearing a 20# Vest
1600m row
100 pull-up
200 push-up
300 squat
1600m row

*must start and end with row.
*BW movements may be partitioned as you see fit

Tuesday WOD



5 min row
-alternate power stroke & recovery stroke
10 passthrough
10 ring row
5 wall squat

weighted pull-up 5-5-5-5-5

Met - Con
10 min AMRAP:
10 box jump
10 pull-up
10 slam ball

Monday WOD


400m run
5 pull up
10 push up
15 squat
weighted ring dip 5-5-5-5-5



Took a little over a week off from training to relax, get my diet together, gather my thoughts and let my beat up body have a breather. I was at the point were I was just doing random training/WODs with no reason. Which is a very dangerous thing for "me" to do. So I felt as if a break was much needed and deserved. Lat time I did this, a week turned into a month and I got fat and completly out of shape. Needless to say I learned my lesson from that and kept my eating on point and made sure that it was a short vacation from training and not to dig too deep of a hole for myself. Strength has declined a little more than I would've liked and my speed on WOD's is a little slower, but that's to be expected from a lengthy break in training.

Training season has begun!
FEB 5 2011 GARAGE GAMES...the Debut!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday WOD

Wednesday WOD

Warm Up:
5min DU practice
500m Row

"ANNIE on a ROW"
Double Unders
Sit Ups
200m Row (btwn each set)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday WOD

Warm Up:
Squat 10
Jump Squat 15
Wall Squat 5

Front Squat 5RM
10 - 135#
7 - 225#
5 - 245#
5 - 265#
5 - 295#(PR?)

AMRAP in 8min:
5 KB Head Cutters 53#
7 Box Jumps 24'
9 KB Swings 53#

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday WOD

Warm Up:
BB Complex @45#/75#/95#
Deadlift 6
Bentover Row 6
Hang Clean 6
Front Squat 6
Push Press 6
Pull Ups 6

10 DB Squat Cleans 50#
25 Butterfly Sit Ups
400m Run

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday WOD


Saturday WOD

400m Uneven Farmers Walk 105#DB Left Hand/70#KB Right Hand
21 C2B Pull Ups "Fat Bar"
400m Sandbag Carry 120#
15 C2B Pull Ups "Fat Bar"
400m OVH Keg Walk 30#
9 C2B Pull Ups "Fat Bar"
400m Uneven Farmers Walk 105#DB Right Hand/70#KB Left Hand

Friday WOD

AMRAP in 20min:
115# Push Press 10
53# KB Swings 10
24' Box Jumps 10